Fri 03 Jan
THE ReaL DeaL..🆕 Pics ✨ The #1 G3NTALMANS CHOIC3.... N🚫 Text... Don't Be Shy....Book Now!! - 28
(15 min from Hartford, Hartford)
TASTY DOMINICANA! * *PROOF* Video! --*Exotic -- *Beauty! No black men!!! - 24
(Berlin turnpike, Hartford)
T O P ♥ Q U A L I T Y stunning ♥ Turn your dreams into ★ reality ☆ - 20
(Hartford, windsor locks/bradley airport)
¥¥Good morning ¥¥ Early bird specials 24/7 Available now !Busty xoxo Blonde ;)*24/7*outcalls - 28
(Hartford, hartford/new britian/outcalls)
I make UR dreams come true__ Im The SEXY Sp.I N.Er next door, in UR IMAGINATION .... - 21
(Hartford, East Windsor)
Exquisite Ebony Playmate🍫😘💋👌🌌1000%REAL Available 24/7 8312957678 - 23
(Hartford, Hartford /burlin turnpike surrounding)
DINA-MARIE 60 Quick stop203-419-6923 Think fast before it's too late > on 84 don't pass exit 28! - 43
(Hartford, Southington/Waterbury)
Thu 02 Jan
💋Mia s the name💦thick young blonde rican 💦👧visiting Only👧💦💦💋. - 21 - 21
(Hartford, Manchester (INCALLS ONLY))
💋In&Out; 🍓calls Specials 🍒I am the 1 u 💞looking 4 so can 🔥you make the 💋SeXy Kitty Kat 🐈Purr👅 - 28
(East Windsor&surrounding; areas in/out, Hartford)